Product Description
Make Like An Orca And Get The Effol Sweat Scraper For Horses
The Effol Sweat Scraper is the first instance of biomimicry in equestrian products we have seen. Effol Orca sweat scraper provides an authentic Orca tail shape, straight from nature.
At its simplest form, it’s just a sweat scraper – an expensive one at that. But take this thing a step further, imagine a whale’s tail, dissipating thousands of gallons of water with a single swipe. Now, imagine that power in your hand, to effortlessly remove water from your horse’s coat after a nice bath. Effol designed this equine sweat scraper to be ergonomic. Meaning that the product adapts to the contours of your horse, resulting in the moisture removing in an easy swipe of the wrist. The curve of the Effol sweat scraper avoids the need for pressure, allowing the scraper to flow across your horses back with minimum pressure and effort.

Great For Use After XC
At the end of a 4* XC round, you’re going to have some friend at the FEI checkpoint with buckets of rubbing alcohol, water, and sponges. Set them up with this super cool sweat scraper. It will be a great addition and it’s SUPER useful!
Store this and all of your other grooming supplies in a Burlingham grooming box.
About the Price of the Effol Sweat Scraper For Horses
Yes, the scraper is $20. But it’s the best sweat scraper you will ever buy and we don’t make much money off it. Combine it with a $75 order and get free shipping! Likely, it will only be $8 or less to ship without the $75 free shipping. The Effol sweat scraper isn’t going to break. It’s not going to chip away into oblivion and it’s going to work really well and save you time. Or, perhaps it’s not for you… think about this though, if you have bought 3 cheap sweat scrapers in the past year at $5 each, please consider allocating a year worth of sweat scraper budget and buying the Effol Sweat Scraper. Effol makes their products in Germany and is awesome.
Nuff’ said.