Product Description
Cavaletti Blocks
Cavaletti blocks help your horse move better while jumping and on the flat. Burlingham Sports Quick Cavaletti blocks allow you to quickly set a grid or trot poles. These blocks by Burlingham Sports are adjustable from heights of 6 inches to 1 foot high. Blocks come in sets of 2 and ship for free within the USA. International shipping is also available at checkout.
- Come in boxes of 2 blocks
- (sold in pairs)
- Work with most poles:
- works with round or square poles
- works with plastic or wood poles
- Weight is 4 lbs each + wind stability features
- Cavaletti base can be filled with sand for additional stability
- Measure: 14″ high x 14″ tall x 5″ wide (measurements when standing up)
- Multiple height adjustments – 6″, 8″, 10″ & 12″
- Maintenance free, built of long lasting materials
Cavaletti Blocks, An Arena Training Aide
Cavaletti work produces a balanced horse. We suggest the book 101 Jumping Exercises for a long list of cavalletti routines. Having a few sets of cavaletti blocks available for training is a basic need for any competitive rider. Choosing these lightweight, sturdy blocks is a solid choice. Burlingham Sports Quick Cavaletti Blocks feature 4 different heights. Use these cavelettis to help you through numerous jumping and dressage exercises. Cavalettis transform rail height from 6″ up to 12″. Different heights can be used to setup basic trot exercises up to a low grid. Training in windy conditions? The caveletti base can be filled with sand to help keep them more secure in windy conditions.
Sold in pairs. Available in multiple colors. Maintenance free!
Blocks work with multiple rail types. Perfect for 4″ diameter poles (pretty standard). Will also work with 3 1/2 inch poles. If you’re working with 4×4 lumber, be sure the end width does not exceed 4 inches – 4×4 with a 3.5 inch diameter will work the best.
These blocks are light without being too light. They can be filled with sand or water for additional stability. Love that they are maintenance free.