Can I use Back on Track Products in the Summer?
We receive this question from customers online and at our Temecula tack store – can I use Back on Track products in the Summer? The quick answer: Yes! Back on Track is the only therapeutic horse product company using Welltex fabric, a highly breathable material. You can use all the BOT products on a daily basis, even in the heat of summer because they don’t generate heat, they’re just reflecting your horse’s body’s own energy. This energy is where the magic is – increasing blood circulation to decrease inflammation.
Why Increasing Circulation Helps
– Relieves arthritis pain
– Reduces tendon & ligament Problems
– Reduces muscle pain (helps keep your horse fresh across multiple competition days)
– Speeds up injury recovery
– Helps injury prevention
When to use Back on Track products in the Summer?
– 30 Minute increments before & after workout
– When horse is in a covered stall
– While Trailering
Awesome customer review from Trust Pilot:
“I swear by their products. The back on track wraps can take down swelling in a matter of hours in legs. I am rehabbing a Grand Prix horse with a suspensory tear and couldn’t do it without their products. I also have a horse with navicular that faithfully wears the bell boots each night and she is maintaining with no shoes or pads.”