Ice Horse Big Black Boot Instructions
Application Instructions for Ice Horse Big Black Boot (“BBB”) & Polymer Shoe
These instructions are typically included in the box of Big Black Boots, but in the event you lose the Ice Horse Big Black Boot instructions, here they are (with a bit of side commentary). The following includes really important things like “Leave FirstIce inserts in your freezer overnight for best results”.
The dry cold material is solid coming from the freezer. A simple 10 second massage of re-freezable / reusable bag results in a loose, flexible, cold source that configures to the horse’s leg immediately.
Cross-Tie the horse while applying the system and throughout the duration of the icing process – unless of course your horse doesn’t cross tie well and instead tries to flip over or pull the cross ties down. In this case, good luck.
Apply the BBB in a grooming stall or other area where there is dry footing. Avoid wash racks, mud or similar wet work areas.
Special Conditions:
- If cold therapy is prescribed by the veterinarian for cooling of the sole or frog area in the presence of Laminitis, the cold packs can be used in the bottom pocket or pouch of the boot if the horse is sedated and unable to stand.
- The horse’s shoe(s) should be removed by the farrier and the hoof trimmed to reduce incidence of the hoof puncturing the poly bag when the horse’s weight is placed on the sole pouch.
- The bag with the cold contents can be inserted in the hoof pouch under certain conditions so that the breathing membrane is visible and exposed at the back of the hoof, while in the hoof boot.
The Polymer Shoe:
- The poly composite shoe provided is attached with the hook and loops system installed on both the composite shoe and the black hoof boot.
- It is not recommended to remove and apply the polymer shoe to the boot before or after each use.
- If the hook and loop material separates from the shoe, simply re-apply with an acrylic glue type material.
- Important!
- When FirstIce is used as the cold source for hoof sole / frog area treatment, it should be with knowledge that the breathing membrane on the bag could burst due to the weight of the horse when the bag bears the full weight of the animal.
- To reduce the chance of insert failure, place hand pressure on the flat of the insert and slowly force the air out of the insert via the micro fiber (white dot) on the bag. This procedure sometimes permits an expanded use for the product as a means of cold relief for hoof when applied to the sole or frog.
- Excess wear of the FirstIce poly bag could cause the bag or the breathing membrane to fail under the weight and pressure of the horse. While trials have been conducted and satisfaction attained, no guarantee for extended FirstIce is implied or intended.
For technical assistance, call Ice Horse at 1800-786-6633