Now that you own one of the nicest pieces of leather EVER! Let’s do some leather care…
A majority of mistakes that result in radical changes to the leather’s fibrous structure, weakening and distorting it’s substance can be avoided with proper leather care.
- Don’t misuse your leather – it’s not a toy (duh)
- Care for it correctly (see below)
- Don’t dry wet leather near heat source
- Clean after EVERY use – yes.. really… every time.
- Avoid cleaning with petroleum distillates and anything that is not natural
When it comes to leather care, this is the most important…
Moisturize & clean your leather with the good stuff – there is a difference in the quality of various saddle soaps and leather dressings. When it comes down to it, the best products to condition your new Five Star Tack product contain all natural ingredients with no petroleum distillates. Stay away from any leather care products that are too heavy.
Sedgwick Leather
You may have noticed on the product description, Five Star Tack bridles, leather halters and breastplates are made from Sedgwick leather. That’s a brand name leather company over across the pond in the UK. J&E Sedgwick & CO Ltd is a specialist leather supplier, working with the highest quality equestrian leather, tanned leather and leather saddles since 1900. Sedgwick & CO have rigorous precedures in place to ensure that leather is prepared to the highest standards. They know what they are doing, and that’s why Five Star Tack has decided to work with them.
Sedgwick has their own conditioner, “Original Leather Dressing” that contains natural ingredients including tallow, oils and beeswax.
This particular leather care conditioner is expensive and hard to import due to restrictions. If you find it, let us know and we’ll see if we can pickup a few boxes.
Ray Hole’s Saddle Butter
We have looked far and wide to find the best product made right here in the USA. It’s called Ray Hole’s Saddle Butter.
It has the same tallow and fat as what is used in making the Five Star Tack Sedgwick & CO leather.
You can get Ray Hols Saddle Butter from many sources for about $10.
Saddle Butter makes taking care of your Five Star Tack super easy
- Wipe leather with damp sponge or cloth
- Let it dry (away from heat source)
- Apply Saddle Butter leather care sparingly to both the grain and flesh side of leather
- When dry (about 2 hours), buff leather with soft brushor cloth