More about Back on Track Equine
The BOC products incorporate a polyester / polyprophylene thread enbedded with a fine ceramic powder designed to reflect the wearer’s own body heat in the form of far infared rays. These rays substantially increase the blood flow, and in doing so, can reduce pain and swelling, as well as stinulate the healing process.
Success with Back on Track Equine
By reducing inflamation and increasing circulation, Back on Track Equine products have provided horses with great releasf from a wide variety of ailments. Tey have been effectively used on muscular problems such as acidosis, strains, brusing, pressure-point pain, “tying up” and general back soreness, in addition to treating horses with sensitive skin. THey have been equally effective on a variety of leg problems also, including bowed tendons, suspensory problems, filled legs, wind puffs, sprains, arthritic joints, bucked shins and navicular nerve damage.
The therapeutic benefits of Back on Track Equine products are not restructed to horses that have already sustained inuries. In fact, most stables are routinely using these products to minimize the liklihood of their horses getting inuured in the first place.
Since being introduced in North America in 2002, the Back on Track horse products have proven so successful that horse enthusiasts are now turning to the Back on Track human products for their own drug free pain relief.
Back on Track Equine has consistency of quality and efficacy
Each time a batch of ceramic textile is produced Back on Track measures the product’s property. An independent university lab measures the rate of heat reflection and the wavelength of the reflected energy.
The Back on Track effect
In the below image of a horse’s back, increased body temperature is indicated by the red tones. The below “after” image depicts the successful reduction of inflammation Degrees and rates of pain relief will obviously vary on individual basis, due largely to the differing nature and duration of existing aliments.