Stirrup Irons are measured by the inside opening of the stirrup where the foot is placed. A standard rule of thumb to size your stirrups is that when the foot is in the stirrup, there is room for your index finger to be placed on either side of the boot. Some riders, however, prefer less gap for their personal preference. It is obvious that stirrups that are too small will be more difficult to retrieve and easier to get caught by the boot during a fall.
Generally, a ladies size 7 boot can be either a 4 1/2” or a 4 3/4” depending on the foot width. Size 7 and below are a 4 1/2”, while size 7 and above are 4 3/4”. Very petitie women and children use a 4 1/4”, while very small children may require even smaller sizes. Most men wear a 4 3/4” stirrup while men with larger feet or very wide feet use a 5” or larger.
Properly fit stirrups affect a rider’s safety as well as comfort. Please remember that a properly fit stirrup allows for easier retrieval and, in the event of a fall, more room to clear the stirrup before it has a chance to turn back and catch a falling rider.
All MDC Stirrups are true sized. The actual opening is the advertised measurement. Most hinged stirrups measure 1/4” smaller than advertised as they have not taken into account the width of the rubber sleeve. Their 4 3/4” stirrup has an opening of 4 1/2 and may be too small.
Please consult with your trainer for your exact stirrup size. This size discussion addresses general stirrup size patterns and may not be exact for every individual.
View the entire line of MDC Irons here at Four Star Brand