American Family Feed In Temecula
We’re happy to be serving up some American Family Feed in Temecula, at our tack store on Temecula Parkway! Both the 100% steam extruded alfalfa and the 100% steam extruded grass formulas are in stock. Both variations are supplied in 30 pound bags and cost $25. Customers who sign up for auto pay get their bags at a significant discount. Local delivery available.
Does Your Horse Need Extra Feed?
Without going into any debate over which supplemental horse feed is best, does your horse even need extra feed? If your horse is being fed about 24 lbs of alfalfa / grass a day, he is consuming a baseline, 12,000 calories a day. That’s pretty much enough to support a 1,200 pound animal in little to no work. Add in training of any kind, his daily demand can easily increase to 40,000 calories a day. Can you make up that difference with more forage?
Where Is Your Horse Getting His Energy?
If you have decided your horse needs extra feed, from what source are you going to fuel that engine? There are a lot of performance horse feeds out on the market. They’re all competing for your dollars with their various sales pitches about delivering high levels of energy (calories) and nutrition. Take a look at those ingredients: processed grains, fiber sources from the hulls (garbage) of peanuts, rice and oats. The majority of calories are coming from added fats. That’s not how you eat so why would you scoop that into your horses bucket?
A Better Energy Source
American Family Feed starts with wholesome ingredients, not processed garbage. Their West coast, USA sourced ingredients are then combined using steam extrusion. Steam extrusion preserves the nutrition of the ingredients that provide your horse with the perfect balance of vitamins, minerals and energy needed to train and compete at his full potential. Extruded horse feeds have additional benefits including allowing for easier, natural maintenance of the gut Ph levels.